Glass Roof Corona Del Mar

When Avila’s El Ranchito in Corona Del Mar owner Sergio called us, he was desperate to find safe wire glass for the ceiling in his restaurant. Getting that open air feel with full climate control of being indoors was a great call on his part.
The main problem he was was, that he couldn’t find any glass shops that had the type of glass he needed. Ultra safe wire glass, in such a large volume, was really hard to come by. It’s a good thing he found us!
Paneling the entire ceiling gave beautiful views of the Corona Del Mar sky for the customers, and being at the restaurant all day sure had benefits for us! The food was awesome there and we would love to come back.
Sergio is a great guy and the food quality is top notch there. We were glad we could service them with the exact wire mesh special texture they wanted, with the large volume they needed to do the entire ceiling in glass.
Minimizing downtime in your business is imperative. From initial phone call to job completion it was less than 2 weeks to do the entire ceiling with all its countless custom cut pieces.
The wire glass we installed is extremely strong. You could go out and jump up and down all over that roof and it wouldn’t phase it. Safety, Quality, Speed, that’s how Affordable Glass in Costa Mesa likes to do business. Take a look at some of our other custom jobs.
Time To Completion: 2 Weeks